I am trying to remove the first number on the numbering of a header with a numbering function. The numbering of a header changes correctly with a function, but the behavior of the modified numbering is different on references: it keeps the suffix.
#set page(width: 12cm, margin: 1cm, height: auto)
#set heading(numbering: "1.", supplement: [Content])
= Heading example <ref.main>
See the @ref.main. There isn't any additional dot.
= Appendix
The desired behavior is that the numbering of headings
with number "X.Y" to be "Y." and the reference "Appendix Y".
#set heading(
offset: 1, supplement: [Appendix],
// This numbering function shows the reference with a dot at the end
numbering: (..numbs) => numbering("1.1.", ..numbs.pos().slice(1))
= Problem example <ref.appendix>
See the @ref.appendix. An additional dot was added.
#set heading(offset: 1, supplement: [Appendix], numbering: "1.1.")
= Example without removing offset <ref.appendix-without-removing-offset>
See the @ref.appendix-without-removing-offset. No additional dot was added.
Is there a way to keep the same heading numbering behavior with a custom numbering function (that removed the first number)?