How to show more information with a certain style in a bibliography reference?

I have made these citations in BibGuru and want to have them in my Typst document.

However, when I use #bibliography("meine-arbeit.bib", full: true, style: "apa", title: [Quellenverzeichnis]) in Typst, important information like the domain is left out:

I need to cite my work for school and citations generated by Typst seem way too short

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It makes it easier to answer questions if the input, e.g. a minimal working example and expected output is provided, for example the problematic .bib entry would be helpful.
Please make sure you use the correct keys in the bib file, for a webpage the key is url.

Hey @Anton_Aparin, welcome to the forum! I’ve changed your question post’s title to better fit our guidelines: How to post in the Questions category

For future posts, make sure your title is a question you’d ask to a friend about Typst. :wink:

Hi @Anton_Aparin,

when the information f.e. about the domain is defined in the bib-file (you should be able to take a look into that file).

If the domain for that entry is being defined and you’re still missing it in the bibliography (as shown in your example) then it might be that the style you chose just does not show any domain-attributes.

I guess you either have to try to fix your bib-entries or to choose another style.

If the default styles provided aren’t what you need, you might try predefined styles f.e. from the Zotero Style Repository (and add it as csl-file to your project) or to use such a csl-file and adapt it to your needs using the Visual Style Editor (which is an advanced task).