How to use different font weight for CJK for Strong Emphasis?

In Chinese writing, we usually use Sans font for strong, instead of a weight delta, and I want a different font weight for those Chinese characters. How can I achieve this? (Chinese in sans already seems “strong”. There is no need for further weight delta.)

(Too bold, because they share the same font weight with latin characters)
(Desired effect: CJK characters are at Regular weight, while latin characters are Bold.)

You could use a regular expression to only select Chinese characters:

#show strong: it => {
  show regex("\p{Han}"): it => {
    set strong(delta: 0)
    set text(font: ...)

This kinda works. However, settings delta: 0 doesn’t seem to work. I worked with setting text(weight: 100) instead.

Hey @TheColdPot, welcome to the forum! I’ve changed your post’s title to a question in order to better fit our guidelines: How to post in the Questions category

In addition, I’ve marked your answer as a solution. Feel free to let us know if you have further questions. :slight_smile: