Is it possible to have multiple entrypoints in a template package?

Hi all. When I create a template, the section [template] of the typst.toml file has only one entrypoint. In doing so when I type typst init @preview/my-template:0.1.0 to start a new project based on this template.

My question is: Is it possible to have multiple entrypoints pointing to the main files for different teplates defined in my-template ?

Thank you

Hey @maucejo , please don’t forget to observe our question post title guidelines: How to post in the Questions category
I’ve updated your post title for you.

I believe it is not possible at the moment, unfortunately. Please create separate packages.

Hi @PgBiel, sorry for forgtting to properly format the title of my question :smile:

Thank you for your answer. Actually, it is not a real problem, since we can develop a package containing several templates. The only thing we can’t do is to initialize one of them using typst init. I think I can live with that.

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