With the following one will get the equation to left.
#show math.equation: set align(left)
$ a = b +c $
But how give the equation an indentation?
With the following one will get the equation to left.
#show math.equation: set align(left)
$ a = b +c $
But how give the equation an indentation?
You can simply wrap equations in a pad
element using a show rule. I would also recommend only applying the show-set rule to block equations as otherwise, inline equations might be put in a new paragraph when the surrounding paragraph isn’t already left-aligned.
#show math.equation.where(block: true): pad.with(left: 1cm)
#show math.equation.where(block: true): set align(left)
On an unrelated note, please try to keep questions in the Questions category and check out the “How to post questions?” post for a guide on proper formatting.
Thanks, much appreciated.