Specify on which Typst version answer was tested

I think this will be useful in the long run, though I don’t know if that’s possible in discourse


Sounds like a good idea. I’ve also added tags for each compiler version if a post is about a particular version.

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Shouldn’t this also be updated? Adding a sentence which says that you should, or it’s a good idea to include a Typst version tag (e.g., v0-11-1) to your topic if it makes sense.

Although I don’t know if adding 2 similar tags for the same version is good (v0111, for example, which also is not readable at all, IMO). It’s enough to type #v and all the versions will show up.

Wouldn’t it be answers that should get tagged, not questions?

  1. Can answers be tagged in the first place?
  2. It depends on the question. Maybe it goes likes “I’m using v0.10.0 and …”.

Without a concrete example, it’s hard to decide/know for sure.

You can use tags in answers like this: meta (#meta).

I think the goal in using tags specifically in the answers is to make them searchable or something. I think adding a tag inside of an answer does nothing. You might as well just use a more readable v0.11.1 or v0.11.1 instead.

Well, it seems you can search tags in replies if you click the :mag: icon on the top bar and then search for /tag/TAGNAME (not #TAGNAME, which is limited to topics¹ only).

¹ A topic in Discourse-ese means the first post in a thread (OP).

Huh, strange. I can’t find this in Searching for content effectively - Using Discourse - Discourse Meta, but there is something close mentioned here: Intersection tag + category - support - Discourse Meta. But I don’t think it is meant to be put into the search bar, rather in the URL.

Do you know the source/docs of this feature?

No, I came across it by accident: it showed up as the context of something else I searched…

Anyway, even if they are not searchable, using tags in answers have at least four advantages over plain text:

  • clicking on them leads to a page listing all topics tagged with the tag in question.
  • they look distinct from the body of the text, which semantically marks them as abstract (meta).
  • they make a closed (yet expandable) set, which helps in standardisation.
  • maybe in the future it will be possible to search answers with a tag in an elegant, easy and not-hackish way.

Did you not try this? It does work.




Using raw/code formatting also makes the wrapped text distinct from the rest of the message.

Sounds like a good issue in the Discourse repository. At least an official documentation would be nice. Also you probably shouldn’t count this as an advantage if this does not exist. :)

The tag synonyms without a space were a mistake (dots are automatically removed). I removed the synonyms.