Touying: How to set full page image background in slides?

I’m thinking of moving from Beamer to Touying for my lecture slides, but I first want to check that I can do everything I need. The first thing I’ve not figured out is how to include a custom image as a slide background – any idea? Would I need to make a custom theme with a custom slide type?

you can just use the background argument in a set page() rule, like this :

#set page(background: image("images/biere.jpg"))

Placing this at the beginning of your document will place the image in the background for all your slides (in my case, two glasses of beer).

Cheers !

Hey @baptiste! I’ve moved your post to the Questions category, as it is a question. I’ve also changed your question post’s title to better fit our guidelines: How to post in the Questions category

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Thanks, but my question is more to use an image on one slide in particular, where I don’t think this works?

I’m guessing I would have to create a custom slide type like so:

#let image-slide(body, background: none) = touying-slide-wrapper(self => {
  self = utils.merge-dicts(
      background: background,
      margin: 2em,
  set text(fill: self.colors.neutral-lightest, size: 2em)
  set image(width: 100%,height: auto)
  touying-slide(self: self, align(horizon + center, body))

and then call it with

  #place[Focus on it!]

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