Welcome to the Typst Forum! :typstguy:

We are delighted that you joined us here!

Here are some things you can do to get started:

:speaking_head: Introduce yourself by adding information about yourself to your profile. What are you using Typst for? What do you need help with? How can you help other members of the community?

:thinking: Are you posting a question? We have created some guidelines for posting questions about Typst. They are designed to help you get better answers quicker.

:open_book: Get to know the community by browsing discussions that are already happening here. When you find a post compelling, use the :heart: to show your appreciation!

:handshake: Contribute by asking and answering questions, showcasing cool things, and posting engaging threads.

:speech_balloon: Also check out our Discord server if you want to chat, rapidly iterate on ideas, or contribute to the development of Typst.

Before replying or starting new topics, please review the Community Guidelines. If you need help or have a suggestion, feel free to post in General or contact the Typst Team.


:typstguy: :typstguy: :typstguy:
Finally, there is an official Typst forum!


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I write Typst, btw.

#show text: it => emph(it)

= Salutations #emoji.hand.wave
Hello everyone!

Salutations :wave:

Hello everyone!

(Poor man’s HTML rendering)



#emoji.party Congrats to Typst from typst code #emoji.party


By the way, we also offer typc and typm language tag for code mode and math mode, respectively.


Finally! I hope this keeps knowledge archived and available, not like discord…


Discourse is similar to Discord only in name. It’s is not a closed-source IM that runs on someone else’s server (the ‘cloud’), but a free and open source forum system that can run locally and independently. It can be archived and posts can be accessed virtually indefinitely. I saw it in use in the Anki Forum and it’s really great ^_^

There’s also a toot regarding the point you raised :mammoth:

1 Like

For a second my mind was blown… and then I saw the last line.

I’m very happy to see the community get a forum! I’ve been concerned before about a lot of great information being already effectively lost, either buried in active Discord servers, or worse, irretrievable from inactive or inaccessible servers. This is an excellent step forward.

Yes being indexed and findable by search engines is definitely a plus :blush:

Edit: Just browsing through the topics. Did you move/copy some of the questions from discord over to the forum?

I didn’t see explicit references to questions copied from Discord here, but that doesn’t indicate anything…

If you want to do that, I don’t think there is any problem with that if you attribute the original asker and answerer(s). In fact if it helps others you can answer your own questions. If we want to make the forum a long-term knowledge repository, any well-asked question and well-answered answer helps.

To start off the forum, a few people (including me) created common questions and self-answered them. This is a good way to contribute information, as outlined in How to post in the Questions category.


Yes, that makes sense :+1:

Hello everyone, I’ve been loving the forum so far! Looking forward to have a great time participating in discussions and helping others out in this new and friendly space :typstguy:

x^2 + 3x - 2 = 0